In my opinion, no one in the medical profession has reached infinity of thought. No one can claim authority over another's right to heal. By using herbs to heal, the very plants we walk alongside on the earth, we not only create empowerment within ourselves, but also identify and connect with dis-ease, allow it a swiffer passage for greater healing to be made".

Niki Senior - Master Herbalist. Excerpt from Journal Two, 2005.”
Niki J. Senior

November Awareness: Healthy Skin

November Awareness: Healthy Skin

National Healthy Skin Month each November is sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology. Some may not realize it, but your skin reveals a lot about your health. As many can attest to its a common factor to self-esteem issues and in turn that can affect your mental health. I can attest to this because I suffer from bad skin, this is in part my diet and lack of vitamin D. This month is important because it makes it known what it really takes to keep one’s skin healthy, as well as understanding how to treat and prevent common skin problems. 

National Healthy Skin Month seeks to inform the public about how they can reduce their skin cancer risk by protecting their skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, a way to help prevent skin cancer is the proper application of sunscreen. There is also a variety of environmentally safe options for sunscreen for sensitive skin my personal favorite it here (no this is not an add just my recommendation). The National Healthy Skin Month public health and awareness campaign also works to increase the public’s knowledge about other essential skincare tips.

Herbs that can potentially help with skincare: Holy Basil, Calendula, Ashwagandha, Aloe Vera

Make sure to check out @grimwood_herbal on Instagram for more information about herbs that can help with skincare!

Herbal Fact #16

Herbalism @ Home - Turmeric

Herbalism @ Home - Turmeric
