In my opinion, no one in the medical profession has reached infinity of thought. No one can claim authority over another's right to heal. By using herbs to heal, the very plants we walk alongside on the earth, we not only create empowerment within ourselves, but also identify and connect with dis-ease, allow it a swiffer passage for greater healing to be made".

Niki Senior - Master Herbalist. Excerpt from Journal Two, 2005.”
Niki J. Senior

The story of a sheepdog

The story of a sheepdog

The overwhelming smell of lavender fills the room, 

The squeal of vintage floor boards shaking beneath the shifting weight, 

The sobs of the broken hearted echo through the hallways. 


Another sheepdog stolen from his flock. 

Rest easy now soldier, for your time for peace

Has come. 


Only you could fight the demons that reaped for your soul.

The suffrage and pain forever at bay. 

The numbness finally fading. 


To the man who stood against the evil

That floods this world.

To a defender of the weak and protector of the innocent. 


To the daughter who weeps for the void in her heart. 

She tries to hold her composure but finds only pain and 

Sadness in the “closure”. 


The empty she feels, until the night comes. 

It is there he dances in her dreams and gives, 

Her visions of the future. 


And then each morning he is stolen again. 

“Vadis Vado” She whispers. 

You go, I go, in a voice only he can hear.

The Marsh Kings Daughter- The story of a little shadow

The Marsh Kings Daughter- The story of a little shadow

Quick Thought #2: A Media Escape

Quick Thought #2: A Media Escape
